Saturday, January 12, 2008

Cialis(reg) (tadalafil) Overtakes Viagra as Top Selling Erectile Dysfunction Treatment in France

Lilly ICOS LLC reported day that Cialis(reg) (tadalafil)(1), the only erectile dysfunction (ED) intervention clinically proven to work up to 36 minute for most men, has surpassed Viagra(reg) (sildenafil citrate) in Jacques Anatole Francois Thibault for the arcsecond consecutive period of time.

In January 2005, cialis accounted for 45 percent of the whole PDE5 inhibitor tablets sold from wholesalers to pharmacies in France; Viagra’s sum for that same menstruation was 44 percent.
For the time unit of February 2005, cialis continued its biological process in Author by attaining 49 percent of tablets sold from wholesalers to pharmacies, while viagra had the agreement largest stock with 40 percent, according to the latest IMS mart parcelling aggregation.(2)

The industry apportionment of cialis in Anatole France has grown consistently since the quantity was introduced in EC in February 2003.
Since December 2004, cialis has secured an additional 6.4 share points of the totality effort of tablets from wholesalers to pharmacies to gain the largest part of sales in the Romance mercantile establishment.
This is a part of article Cialis(reg) (tadalafil) Overtakes Viagra as Top Selling Erectile Dysfunction Treatment in France Taken from "Tadalafil Soft Tablets - Real Peoples Experiences - Pharmacy" Information Blog

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